
We are a network of individuals from various countries with a common interest in searching for alternatives to the current unsustainable and inequitable model of ‘development’. A framework called “Radical Ecological Democracy”, emerging out of learnings from grassroots and policy initiatives in India, was used as a base for this networking, beginning in 2012.

The network’s first primary activity was to take this framework forward as part of the Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties (PST, http://sustainabilitytreaties.org) that inputted to the Rio+20 process as a parallel citizens’ initiative. A PST on Radical Ecological Democracy was proposed by the civil society groups Kalpavriksh (India), and Poloc (Chile), and endorsed by over 20 other organizations, networks and individuals.

The network stays in touch through a email group (open to anyone interested to join), and is taking the RED framework forward through other forums including the ongoing discussions on post-2015 SUSTAINABLE development goals (which have succeeded the Millennium Development Goals), UNESCO’s Decade for Education for Sustainable Development, the Women’s Major Group of the post-Rio process, and several indigenous peoples, local communities and civil society processes working on autonomy and self-determination, degrowth, social and solidarity economy, commons, human rights, iccas, and others.

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